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PySpark — Structured Streaming Read from Sockets
Spark Structured Streaming is gaining its popularity due to many out-of-box features. It leverages the existing Spark APIs framework to enhance the power of Streaming computations.

Spark executes small micro-batches in loop to achieve the streaming use case. A background task generates the execution plan similar to batch execution and keeps on iterating over the same as micro-batches.
Still have doubts, checkout PySpark — The Basics of Structured Streaming for quick refresh on Spark Structured Streaming basics.
For beginning, we will be reading data from a socket using Spark Structured Streaming in real-time to find out the count of each word posted in string. Very basic example to start with to understand the basic concepts for Spark Streaming.
As usual we will start with creating a SparkSession
# Create the Spark Session
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession \
.builder \
.appName("Streaming Socket Word Count") \
.master("local[*]") \